Blonde Escorts Manchester

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Blonde Escorts Manchester at Cheshire Companions. All through history Blondes seem to have been revered for their beauty – Why is this? The beautiful blonde gene has been roaming the earth for the past 11,000 years when it developed towards the end of the last ice age in Northern Europe. There have been several theories about the what and the why this genetic mutation occurred and one particular hypothesise from anthropologist Peter Frost is one that certainly got our attention.

According to Frost, the Ice Age was a time during which men were scarce and the competition was fierce and so the gene for lighter hair evolved as a means for people to stand out from the crowd and have an edge over their raven-haired rivals. This is certainly what we often find with our fabulous Blonde Escorts Manchester. They certainly stand out from the crowd!

Charles Darwin famously looked into this gene theory when he wrote about natural selection in his book ‘The Origin of the Species’ and it was just 10 years later when he returned to the thoughts of the beautiful blonde whilst preparing for his next page-turner ‘The Descent of Man and Selection in Relation to Sex’. At the time of publication in 1871, Darwin hadn’t been able to find enough data to support his thesis whereas modern research has been able to quantify the belief that blonde hair developed as an evolutionary means for the more attractive blonde lady to survive in a dog eat dog Ice Age.

Book the Blonde Escorts Men Crave

Now, I’m sorry if you find the assumption that blondes are more attractive as what one finds more sexually appealing is highly subjective, however, I would like to introduce you to a little recent historical discourse….
It was just last century that the 20th century Fox musical ‘Gentlemen Prefer Blondes’ expressed what was on everyone’s minds when they glanced over the pin-up sensation that was Marilyn Monroe.
A rather amusing letter to The Guardian in 2010 echoes these sentiments as the writer asks ‘I am attracted to women with blonde hair. This seems to be true of a lot of men. Is there a biological/reproductive explanation?’

Additionally, a stereotype known as the ‘Hitchcock blonde’ became so ingrained in culture that it even spawned a counter-narrative that led from the Hitchcock blonde lead female role; a clueless, naive female, towards the ‘dumb blonde’ of today who contrary to type, provides brains as well as beauty in a shocking revelation.

The counter blonde goes against the well known ‘dumb blonde’ stereotype which is perpetuated across the world and is thought to have originated in 18th Century France in a play entitled ‘Les Curiosities de la Foire’ which was inspired by a prostitute named Rosalie Duthé who was nothing except beautiful, dumb and blonde.

While we can’t guarantee you a stereotypical Blonde Escort Manchester when you call us at Cheshire Companions, we can always guarantee you totally gorgeous and genuine  Escorts for a sensational experience whether this is at your home, hotel or even a holiday retreat to show off your Atomic Blonde.